Rajesh Khanna has been one of the most iconic celebrities in Indian cinema and he is regarded as one of the country’s first superstars. While this day was celebrated with a lot of glory when the actor was alive by his fans, now many of them take to social media to share their fondest memories of the superstar. Similarly, television actor and OTT star Nishant Malkani, former film actress Somy Ali, and popular television star Aly Goni were among those Khanna fans who shared their favourite films of Kakaji. While it was difficult for them to select one, here’s what they had to say about the superstar’s films.
Happy Birthday Rajesh Khanna: Actors Nishant Malkani, Somy Ali, Aly Goni recall their favourite films of India’s first superstarNishant Malkani
“I liked Bawarchi. It’s my all-time favourite movie. His comedy was superb and he was very spontaneous. I also liked Aradhana which had him in a double role. He looked perfect as the army man. I haven't read his biography but would like to read it. I am aware he saw the rise and the fall but he also earned 15 hits in a row, a name that people still remember, and fame that no one could achieve during that time. My parents have also been fond of his films. Rajesh Khanna was a legend and will always live through his movies.”
Somy Ali
“Anand taught us that it is not how long we have on this planet, but how we use the time that we are blessed with. The character's attitude in Anand while dying inside literally and figuratively, yet always wearing a smile and clearly knowing he only has a few months to live but making others smile was something I had never seen in Hindi cinema. As a child when I saw that film, it had a huge impact on me emotionally in terms of being grateful and always remembering to find a purpose in life when I grow up.”
Aly Goni
“From Kati Patang to Aradhana, Sachaa Jhutha and Haathi Mere Saathi, he has given memorable performances in each one of them. However, I must confess I don’t remember how many times I have seen Bawarchi. Though the movie had some amazing actors, Rajesh ji’s performance stood apart. It would make you laugh and leave you in tears at the same time. I don’t think there was anyone like him when it came to portraying romance or tragedy on-screen. No wonder the term ‘superstar’ was coined for him.”
Also Read: Twinkle Khanna shares a throwback picture with her late father, Rajesh Khanna, on their birthday
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