For Hrithik Roshan's sons Hrehaan and Hridhaan, this lock-down period is only proving to be a fun time, with undivided attention pouring in from the father as well as mother Sussanne Khan. It's been a while since Sussanne moved in with Hrithik to co-parent the children so that the family isn't disconnected during this difficult period.

Sussanne, on Instagram, shared a delightful photo of Hrithik and the kids enjoying the sunset from their balcony. She also quoted an excerpt from Henry Davies' poem Leisure. "So stop awhile and do enjoy that stare, Take it in.. absorb as we all are moving.. even though we don’t know where.
There is, this amazing thing called ‘Life’.... as the ultimate dare,' part of her caption read. "Stay Home, Stay strong and full of care," she conveyed.
A few days ago, Hrithik's parents Rakesh Roshan and Pinky Roshan celebrated their wedding anniversary. We saw all of Hrithik, Sussanne and the kids joining over a video call as they also sang a song, and there was a virtual cake-cutting too.
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