No point taking the credit away from him by calling him the son of a superstar, Abhishek Bachchan has come into his own in every single way. Though he had a rough start in Bollywood, AB Jr. is now one of the most compelling performers of B-town. Abhishek Bachchan shines in his own light now. Married to one of India's most beautiful woman, Aishwarya Rai, Abhishek has proven that his off screen 'jodi' with Ash works beautifully on screen too, whether it was in Sarkar Raj or Guru.
Yet again, the Junior Bachchan plans to come on the silver screen with Ash in a riveting Mani Ratnam film Raavan, in which he plays the title role.
Bollywood Hungama proudly got the 'Raavan' Abhishek live on Celebrity Video Chat but for all those who missed the chance here are excerpts from the chat.
Abhishek Bachchan: Hi
Abhishek Bachchan: beera in the house!!!!!
Abhishek Bachchan: sorry about the delay guys, we had some technical issues...
meghna: what is your next project after raavan ??
Abhishek Bachchan: meghna...Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey
~zeus~: we have heard of the lux superstar contest, if we win can we actually meet you?
Abhishek Bachchan: zeus...yes you get to come to London and meet me
~zeus~: if yes is it true? and how can we play the same and how does it work?
Abhishek Bachchan: zeus...u have to buy LUX
Pratik: Raavan will kill all the movies this year !
Abhishek Bachchan: pratik...hahahah.. I hope so
PritesH: Sir U & Mam make a gr8 pair -lukin 4wrd 2 cu both in future too- creating blckbusters
Abhishek Bachchan: Pritesh....thank you very much will let you knw abt the next one as and when it happens
Anurag: AB any Hollywood appearances?
Abhishek Bachchan: Anurag...not as of right now
choti: Hi Abhishek, How are you doing today? The thought of chatting is far more exciting than anything els
Abhishek Bachchan: choti...i am the happiest to be here
crazybaby: hallo abhi how are you I am from Greece and live in Germany I have seen all your films I love you
Abhishek Bachchan: hi I was just shooting in Greece...its a beautiful country...I was in the island of Samos
Gayatri_ABCD: ABHI..u will alwyz be my fav fav celebrity no matter wt..STAY THE WAY U R!!!
Abhishek Bachchan: Gayatri...u stay the same way too and become my fav
Aarushi: OMG I really wanna c dhoom 3 and dostana 2!!!!!plz plz plz plz plz
Abhishek Bachchan: Aarushi....we start Dostana 2 next month and its hould be ready early next year...Dhoom 3 is still being scripted
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: we start Dostana 2 next month and its hould be ready early next year...Dhoom 3 is still being scripted ![]() |
Ashfaq04: heyy sir hws d xperience in Raavan..?????
Abhishek Bachchan: Raavan was awesome...I hope you think the same
Ashfaq: which team r u supportin at d world cup..?
Abhishek Bachchan: Brazil
PritesH: FiRst Of All - Best WisHes For RaVaN!!!!! i know it RocKs!!! still eagerly waiting for its release
Abhishek Bachchan: Pritesh...ya me too
kishore: Loved U & Kareena ever since Refugee. pls work together. dying to watch u both
Abhishek Bachchan: kishore....would love to ...just waiting for a good script
Abhishek Bachchan: rakesh...Dhoom 3 is still being soon as its ready the Dhoom boys will be back
Rohit: which is ur fav car, u have ai lambo i think already...
Abhishek Bachchan: rohit....yea that is pretty much my fav
nidhu: HI Abhishek... M NIdhi ur huuuuuuuuuuuuge fan, wanna say all d best for ur bright Future.
Abhishek Bachchan: thank you so much Nidhi...lots of love
Abhishek Bachchan: rakesh... ha ha h ah....
Abhishek Bachchan: evil laughter
choti: How are your family doing.
Abhishek Bachchan: family is great...they are alll over the place but doing great
Abhishek Bachchan: they will all bei n London for the premiere
manzoordesign: maniratnam, santosh sivan, ar rahman, gulzar, sreekar prasad ...what u think abt d crew....
Abhishek Bachchan: the best we have in India
sudip: hi abhishek when we will see your six pack?
Abhishek Bachchan: sudip...i already have one
choti: But Frankly, you look really scary in one of those promos. Is the movie really a Ramayana story
Abhishek Bachchan: choti...its the Ravaanayan
suman das: can you make me your friend.
Abhishek Bachchan: u r my friend sumandas
CrossingRebecca: so which is gonna be ur next car?
Abhishek Bachchan: I think Walking is the best right now
libra 11oct: hi abhishek , wish you n ash all the best for ravaan
Abhishek Bachchan: Thank you so much,. thats very sweet of you
AshFan: Which movie was more difficult Raavan or Guru?
Abhishek Bachchan: Raavan by far
Choti: in between u wanted to buy a hummer... what happened to that?
Abhishek Bachchan: Choti...Aaah....Noooo....not fast enough
kamal: rchd here frm ur tweet...really looking forward to raavan
Abhishek Bachchan: kamal...thank you
rashmi: hi abhishek how are you..greetings from amsterdam!!!
Abhishek Bachchan: rashmi....hello amsterdam how r u ???
Shiva: how helpful has ur father been in giving u tips on acting?
Abhishek Bachchan: Shiva...very helpful...Id be a fool not to ask him on tips
Savio: So 10 heads? Was it difficult to manage?
Abhishek Bachchan: Savio....u have nooooo idea
sapna7: Is aishwarya oke, when will we seeing her! Miss her
Abhishek Bachchan: sapna...very very soon ...she is busy doing promotions elsewhere but I am sure she will come and chat with you soon
GopiSheth: hi Abhisek I met you at New york airport last month
Abhishek Bachchan: Hi Gopi... hope all is well
libra 11oct: I share my birthday with your dad
Abhishek Bachchan: happy bday in advance ...Dad
sapna7: Did Aishwarya sign any new movies
Abhishek Bachchan: she has quite a few movies coming up this year
beera: so who gets Sita in Raavan?
Abhishek Bachchan: wait and watch
swatz: fav holiday destination?
Abhishek Bachchan: Home
![]() swatz: fav holiday destination? Abhishek Bachchan: Home ![]() |
My name is king: what do u do when free and not shooting?
Abhishek Bachchan: watch movies
puuuuuuuuuuu: tale me the responce u have get about ravan
Abhishek Bachchan: so far its been outstanding...lets hope it stays the same
Broti: Hi abhishek.The expectations are sky high fron you in raavan.
Abhishek Bachchan: Good thats the way I like it
Sounii: Abhi is Raavan releasing in Pak?
Abhishek Bachchan: I believe so...I dont knw the exact date...but will let you knw
Abhishek Bachchan: i think so too rakesh
nagules: i wana know about the length of the movie?
Abhishek Bachchan: nagules...the movie is 2 hours 7 minutes....127 mins
Sounii: Have u ever been in germany , sir ?
Abhishek Bachchan: Sounii..yes I have
Govinda fan: Hey why Govinda is not seen in any promos? Is his role is onl
Abhishek Bachchan: He is ...he is being featured in all the promos ...yes you are going to see him like never before in the film
cbritto: how did u feel when u took a dive frm the cliff ?
Abhishek Bachchan: weightless
Mihir: IS your look inspired by Saif in Omkara?
Abhishek Bachchan: Mihir...No
priyank: this is priyank from australia please wave for me n all the fans all over australia
Abhishek Bachchan: priyank...there you go...just for you
kiran: whats has been the best memory of this whole exprience?
Abhishek Bachchan: kiran....Ithink getting to chat with all of you here at bollywoodhungama
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: The best memory of the whole experience is….I think getting to chat with all of you here at bollywoodhungama ![]() |
nidhu: Abhishek... i was jst talking about u wid ma frnd.. we wish luck for ur success
Abhishek Bachchan: thank you very much
GLAMSTR3SS: pls wave to me....
Abhishek Bachchan: there you go
Tuskie: Hi is like to became a Villain?
Abhishek Bachchan: Tuskie...good fun
Krillin: AB, will Vikram make it big in Bollywood?
Abhishek Bachchan: Krillin...I hope so
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: my fav song is Beera and Udd Jaa Re ![]() |
leonardo: Hi. In this movie Raavan is a real character or fictional one?
Abhishek Bachchan: leo...fictional one
shivtheboss5115: pls tell me abt ur RAAVAN experience whom do u think will be d best???? RAAVAN(hindi) or d tam ver
Abhishek Bachchan: whats up shiv...but the boss is only one...Rajni uncle
Coolnikhit28: How does it feel to work with Mani again and A.R.Rahman? Which is your favourite song?
Abhishek Bachchan: its always a great honour to work with Mani and its a lot of fun
Abhishek Bachchan: my fav song is Beera and Udd Jaa Re
ChanduChor: Jr B, when you doing an indie film? Why always stick to big banners? Would you read my script?
Abhishek Bachchan: yeah...send it across
nagules: in the music launch rahman sung a song that is not in the album, is that song included in the movie?
Abhishek Bachchan: nagules...yes it is...its called Udd Jaa Re...and thats my other fav song
Meghana Kelkar: Hi Abhishek... you are one of the best but underrated actors we have
Abhishek Bachchan: I am biased....enuff said
YesMe: Curious to know what sort of trimmer do you use for your beard
Abhishek Bachchan: Philips trimmer
lalita: hey abhi...raavan songs r really cool...its gonna be a big hit...all the very best..
Abhishek Bachchan: thank you
animesh: i am jealous u married the most beautiful woman on earth
Abhishek Bachchan: ha ha ha...Suffer
meghna: abhiskek im in love with you
Abhishek Bachchan: I love you too Meghna
animesh: What are you doing today
Abhishek Bachchan: animesh...chattiing with you
lolol: planning on watching the world cup tonight?
Abhishek Bachchan: lolol...most definitely
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: favourite team in the world cup is Brazil ![]() |
reema kallingal: hi, am a big fan of maniratnam, waiting to see his latest buzzzzzzz
Abhishek Bachchan: u will be buzzed reema
Pritz: tell us something we dont know bout u
Abhishek Bachchan: Pritz...nothing that i dont want you to know
Ivory: ur fav cuisine?
Abhishek Bachchan: HOme food
ajaysinghvi: Is it true Bebo & U r working in the italian job remake? miss u both together onscreen.
Abhishek Bachchan: no she is not in that film
billa: which is ur fav team this world up?
Abhishek Bachchan: Brazil
sanjoli: hey abhi sir...dis is sanjoli here 4m surat....jus wanted to say a big hello to u nd ur family..
Abhishek Bachchan: hello sanjoli
surjyasen: heyy surjo whats up? this is prince from khelein hum jee jaan sey!
Abhishek Bachchan: hey Prince...hows it going...hows the post prodn going...
Diganta: Hi.This is your 3 rd Mani Ratnam film. how much excited are you with raavan after yuva and guru?
Abhishek Bachchan: Diganta...I am more excited about Raavan than I was about Yuva and Guru put together
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: I am more excited about Raavan than I was about Yuva and Guru put together ![]() |
Manish: Hey abhishek.. what we can expect from raavan??
Abhishek Bachchan: Manish....expect the best
harsh: hi abhi...u know u inspire many of us not just as an actor bt as a and composed!
Abhishek Bachchan: harsh...thanks man
harsh: can u share ur philosophy of life to us as it inspire us
Abhishek Bachchan: Be Cool
Sarah: I m anxioulsy waiting for ur movie Ravaan. It's lovely to see u and Aishwaria together
Abhishek Bachchan: Thank u Sarah...hope you like the film
sanjoli: i saw every single movie f urs...nd u act jus fabulous...a real dream star
Abhishek Bachchan: thankyou very much sanjoli...dont knw too many people who I have seen all my films
newwave: whats ur fav song of WC2010 wavin flag or waka waka?
Abhishek Bachchan: Wavin Flag
Broti: You are champion performer, and you have delivered that the very best for mani.will raavan surpass th
Abhishek Bachchan: I hope so...thats the intention
reema kallingal: Who will Ragini be with in the end Beera or Dev?
Abhishek Bachchan: ull find out on the 18th of June
Aleshanee29: Hello Abhishek. Lovely greetings from Germany
Abhishek Bachchan: what's up Germany?
amy amigo: which is ur fav. fragrance?
Abhishek Bachchan: Creed
melisa: AB greetings from algeria
Abhishek Bachchan: Algeria in the house
sanjoli: wishing 4rm my heart to take ur autograph soon...nd to meet u in person...
Abhishek Bachchan: well i hope your wish comes true
Sunny: what makes u do a film?
Abhishek Bachchan: the film
Hameed: will u do any off beat films?
Abhishek Bachchan: I do a lot of off beat films
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: I do a lot of off beat films ![]() |
prince: who do u think is the best director besides Mani ji rt now?
Abhishek Bachchan: wow...there are a lot of them
LoveRanishekJodi: Will Ravaan be released in Poland?
Abhishek Bachchan: yes it will
Ampz18: give me 3 top reasons as to why i should watch Raavan? lol
Abhishek Bachchan: if its a very hot day, if you r bored and have nothing better to do and if you wanna see a kick ass film
PritesH: Itz my pleasure to follow u on twitter- gr8 way to be in touch wid fans
Abhishek Bachchan: I agree
The 777: The cinematography in Raavan looks mind blowing from the promos
Abhishek Bachchan: yes its done by two of the best cinematographers in the country - V. Manikandan and Santosh Sivan
kb27ravaan: make a movie wid u...i ve some gr8 plots which r bound to work and make ur presence even dominating
Abhishek Bachchan: super
darshit: what is special about RAAVAN?
Abhishek Bachchan: Raavan
Moscow Chikna: Main moscow se aap ko message bhej raha hoon
Abhishek Bachchan: aur Main Mumbai se aapko Message bhej raha hoon
Inside Mike: What are your expectations for Raavan
Abhishek Bachchan: I expect a lot
paresh: When is Aish coming on twitter?
Abhishek Bachchan: I have no idea...why haven't you had enough of me
arundati: Hey Abhishek, is the film really on the Mythology?
Abhishek Bachchan: you will find out on the 18th of June
bobby: hi abhishek, think GURU is your finest performance. wish to see you in more such roles
Abhishek Bachchan: bobby...thank you ...I hope Raavan fulfils that wish
santhosh1209: hw do u manage time to spend on twitter and al ur works??
Abhishek Bachchan: when you love something you have to make time and I love my audience
MIhirD: Which qualities of Ravvan Do you personally have?
Abhishek Bachchan: None
jithu: how is your experience working with southern superstar Vikram
Abhishek Bachchan: jithu..Awesome...he is very cool
arshi: do you literally idolise your dada abhishek?
Abhishek Bachchan: yes i do arshi
Inside Mike: I am from Belgium, if I come to the Premiere in London, Will You meet me?
Abhishek Bachchan: of course I will...Illl give you a hug also
ankur: hi AB , wats ur favourte character in raavan??
Abhishek Bachchan: Beera
manoj_sa: what do u think abhi... what will be the key factor for RAVAN? why people loves "RAVAN"?
Abhishek Bachchan: i think he is a very lovable character.
DKS__: Abhi did you always wanna be an actor?
Abhishek Bachchan: not at all
Ashish: Would"Raavan" will become "Lord Ram" for film distributor and exhibitor?
Abhishek Bachchan: it better Ashish
swatisingh: you look extremly diff in new look of raavan.......
Abhishek Bachchan: thank you swati
Abhishek Bachchan: thats the idea
sefina: hi jb! what was the hardest part about shooting raavan for you?
Abhishek Bachchan: sefina...i think the character was the toughest challenge
Choti: Tell me Raavan meant for the elitist?
Abhishek Bachchan: no its meant for the masses
sarahendi: hi abhishek plz tell me when you shoot your movie game
Abhishek Bachchan: I finished shooting Game
Abhishek Bachchan: Sairam...what is experimental cinema? Ionly know good cinema and bad cinema
dx_4u: when is ur shoot to aussieland...wann see u here
Abhishek Bachchan: nothing planned as of now
Inside Mike: Do you think you are good looking?
Abhishek Bachchan: no
Monty: Abhi, its obvious u have weight do you deal with it? I wanna loose weight too
Abhishek Bachchan: sensibly
chinraj: if mani sir selects u for his every venture will u accept it?
Abhishek Bachchan: of course with my eyes shut
PriTesH: Abhi Sir v share same anniversary dts ? waited for almost 3monts for dis particular dt:D
Abhishek Bachchan: thats very sweet of you
Choti: Hope to see you in some complete romantic movie some day.
Abhishek Bachchan: is that an offer Choti?
Nirajj: abhishekji,can we expect down-to-earth attitude from u like Amitabh Saab which we miss in interviews?
Abhishek Bachchan: did you smile Niraj?
Dinesh Goziya: How are you feeling as Raavan is all set to go?
Abhishek Bachchan: i am feeling nervous, excited and eight other emotions
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: i am feeling nervous, excited and eight other emotions ![]() |
Fahad: by the way i felt you would have looked alot better with longer hair in ravan
Abhishek Bachchan: Fahad...i disagree
harish: what Makes Beera charecter so special in your career?
Abhishek Bachchan: harish...he is the toughest character I have ever played...the most complex and the most enjoyable
vishnu_raavan: HOw do u define personality of character ur playing in Raavan?
Abhishek Bachchan: unpredictable, wild and magnetic
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: Beera is unpredictable, wild and magnetic ![]() |
gopika: Everyone calls ur wife as the most beautiful woman, what abt u...if not Aish who do you think is beautiful in our industry
Abhishek Bachchan: no i dont and too late
Abhishek Bachchan: I think everybody is beautiful...just not as beautiiful as Aishwarya
Vikram: Hey Abhi, how was the experience working with ur wife in the same film?
Abhishek Bachchan: Vikram...a lot of fun
Girijesh: What was ur 1st reaction when Mani offered u Raavan?
Abhishek Bachchan: yes
kalantry: Your biggest asset is your expression. Mani knows that the best
Abhishek Bachchan: thank God for that kalantry
Butterfly: was it cool in istanboul?
Abhishek Bachchan: yes it was
achal: wel abhi ur epressions both facial n body r improving wid evry film of urs!lukin 8 ur peak n ravan!!
Abhishek Bachchan: thank you achal as it should...if you are not improving with every film we cease to grow as actors
Arjun: Like forest whittaker in the last king of scotland, did you psyche yourself to get into your characters shoes?
Abhishek Bachchan: not at all Arjun....Beera doesnt wear shoes
paulpavan: hey abhi r u coming to hyderbad for promotion of ur ravaan movie
Abhishek Bachchan: yes we should be there hopefully soon
Nikhilesh: Your Movie Raavan Seems to be amazing.. the direction, music simple amazing..
Abhishek Bachchan: thank you very much NIkhilesh...I hope you feel the same after you see the film
karthik: how will u rate urself wen compared to ur dad? 1 being best 5 being worst
Abhishek Bachchan: 500
![]() Abhishek Bachchan: he is the toughest character I have ever played...the most complex and the most enjoyable ![]() |
sjpat: any films with you and AB sr and your wife in the pipe line, also not forgetting Mrs J Bachchan
Abhishek Bachchan: no not as of now
MIhirD: like hrithik in krrish, do you see your self as an action hero someday?
Abhishek Bachchan: Ive done a lot of action films and enjoyed it
vabbott: any project with priyanka...u two make a great on-screen pair..
Abhishek Bachchan: not as ofnow
dx_4u: when is ur next shootin schedule in australia?"?
Abhishek Bachchan: Ill come there if you gimme Coca Cola
Abhishek Bachchan: i dont have any film being shot in aus ritw now...maybe NZ
Inside Mike: is it true that you studied in Belgium and Switzerland
Abhishek Bachchan: Yes
messi: like saif in roadside romeo, would you lend your voice for an animated character?
Abhishek Bachchan: sure messi
aliya shaikh: hi Abhishek which is ur dream role which u want to do but u have not got yet
Abhishek Bachchan: I dont have dream roles...dont sleep dont get time to dream
Hashim: hi abhishek .. this is Hashim here from pakistan... saw ur tweet
Abhishek Bachchan: hey Hashim...hows it going
Nicki: Good Morning from me in the the East Coast USA
Abhishek Bachchan: East side...Nicki...wassup?
Sandy: Hi Abhi! U choose Raavnan because u had faith in the script or beacause u had faith in Mani Sir?
Abhishek Bachchan: a bit too late for suggestions Niraj
sarahendi: if you come to istanbul for ur movie game plz help me to meet you
Abhishek Bachchan: ive already left IStanbul and finished Game
emili: besides acting what would you like to do, direct or produce?
Abhishek Bachchan: I am having a tough enough time acting so I think Ill stick with that
noorulain: Abhi ur look in Raavan is great, who came up with the idea?
Abhishek Bachchan: Mani
ragsss: If you had a choice, what subject would you make a film on? Something cleven and original.
Abhishek Bachchan: I try and do something clever and original with every film
ashishmi: How were you in school? were treated like a star kid?
Abhishek Bachchan: ashishmi...not at all
rishabh: if you direct what genre would you touch upon?
Abhishek Bachchan: i wouldnt direct
Girijesh: which is ur best movie experience wid ash?
Abhishek Bachchan: so far Raavan
Choti: Hope to see you in some complete romantic movie some day.
Abhishek Bachchan: ok Choti
beeraabhi: is it raavan or ram, who is dying in the end???????????
Abhishek Bachchan: First Day First show find out and then spread the word
Abhishek Bachchan: Thanks a lot guys...Peace out...Be good...See you on June 18th at a theatre near you...Love...dus Sar Waala
More Pages: Sarkar Raj Box Office Collection , Sarkar Raj Movie Review
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