Kareena Kapoor Khan’s new film The Buckingham Murders, which recently made its way to Netflix after a theatrical release, received a shout-out from Amul India through their popular Amul Topical series. The artwork features a caricature of Kareena’s character from the film, along with the clever text: “Baking With Makhan / Amul - Language of Taste.”
Kareena Kapoor Khan REACTS to Amul’s heartfelt topical for The Buckingham Murders: “Humbled and honoured”Sharing the Amul Topical on Instagram, Kareena Kapoor Khan wrote, “So humbled and honoured our film is getting the love…my first film as a producer…a film I am so so proud of acting in. Thank you @amul_india You made my year.” Her post drew reactions from industry friends, with designer Manish Malhotra dropping a red heart emoji, while Netflix India commented, “It’s utterly butterly mysterious.”
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The Buckingham Murders’ Bilingual Release and Response
Directed by Hansal Mehta, The Buckingham Murders stars Kareena Kapoor Khan in a leading role and marks her debut as a producer. The film was released in two language versions: one in Hindi and English, and another dubbed in Hindi, to cater to diverse audiences. However, the dubbing choice stirred reactions among viewers. Recently, a social media user on X (formerly Twitter) tagged Hansal Mehta and Netflix India, expressing disappointment with the Hindi-dubbed version. “Disappointed with The Buckingham Murders Hindi dubbing,” he wrote, urging Netflix to release the original Hinglish version.
Hansal Mehta responded to the viewer’s concerns, clarifying that the dubbing decision wasn’t made by the production team. “Do you think we did this? We have nothing to do with all this. This is a tech mess up by @netflix. It is terribly upsetting,” Mehta tweeted. He also shared that Netflix was actively working to resolve the issue.
Do you think we did this? We have nothing to do with all this. This is a tech mess up by @netflix. It is terribly upsetting. They have assured us that they’re working on resolving it by later tonight. https://t.co/4WfX6bBvpV
— Hansal Mehta (@mehtahansal) November 8, 2024
The Buckingham Murders: Festival Run and Streaming Debut
Before its release in India on September 13, The Buckingham Murders premiered at several international film festivals, earning praise for its compelling storyline and Kareena’s intense performance. Now streaming on Netflix, the film continues to gain attention, with Kareena Kapoor Khan’s portrayal resonating with audiences and receiving accolades from fans and peers alike.
More Pages: The Buckingham Murders Box Office Collection , The Buckingham Murders Movie Review
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